Sunday, May 19, 2013
Benefits of the great pumpkin
Should be added to the menu item pumpkins because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals good for your health.
1. Rich in fiber
Many people do not know that pumpkins are rich in fiber. In a cup of mashed pumpkin contains 3g of fiber - about 11% of the demand for fiber your body needs every day.
2. Excellent source of vitamin A
Pumpkin provides a lot of vitamin A in the diet each containing up to 245% the amount needed daily intake recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
3. Potassium Supply
In addition to bananas, pumpkin is also supply potassium. A small portion pumpkins contain potassium to 250mg. So you have to add an additional potassium foods in their menu.
4. Many of iron
Only a small part of the pumpkin can also bring you a large amount of iron. One cup of pumpkin contains about 10% iron content required daily intake as recommended. Also, unlike the iron foods provide other, non-fat pumpkin.
5. Contains antioxidants
In addition to vitamin A, pumpkin also contains other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Part of pumpkin contains 20% vitamin C your body needs daily.
6. Magnesium supply excellent
Magnesium is important for the body because they maintain normal muscle function (including a healthy helping heartbeat) and promote the immune system. Pumpkin seeds are the best source of magnesium for you, so do not forget to regularly eat roasted pumpkin seeds.
7. Many vitamin K
If you have symptoms of hemophilia, it is likely your body is deprived of vitamin K. Do not worry because the pumpkin will complement your lack of vitamin K, they account for about 40% of your body needs every day. In addition, vitamin K helps bone health.